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  • 06 February 2024
  • 9 min read

How can I protect my organisation from phishing attacks?

What are the most common forms of phishing? How can individuals prevent phishing attacks? How can organisations prevent phishing attacks? And the role of training and awareness in preventing phishing attacks ....
FAQ Series How can I protect my organisation from phishing attacks

Despite organisations like TSC preaching, teaching and education organisations on phishing attacks for two decades, the threat of phishing attacks still looms large over organisations of all sizes.

From sophisticated spear phishing to deceptive company impersonation, cybercriminals are constantly devising new ways to exploit human vulnerability for their malicious goals.

As a result, defending against these cyber threats requires a multifaceted approach that encompasses both technological safeguards and comprehensive cyber security training and awareness programs.

What are the most common forms of phishing?

Phishing attacks come in various forms, each with its own tactics and objectives. Let us delve deeper into each common form of phishing to provide a comprehensive understanding of the varied tactics employed by cybercriminals:

  • Spear phishing: This form of phishing involves personalised and highly targeted attacks aimed at specific individuals or organisations. Attackers gather information about their targets from various sources, such as social media profiles or publicly available data, to craft convincing messages tailored to their victims' interests or roles within an organisation to trick them.
  • Pharming phishing: In pharming attacks, cybercriminals manipulate domain name system (DNS) servers or exploit vulnerabilities in routers or DNS cache poisoning techniques to redirect users to fraudulent websites without their knowledge. Victims may unknowingly enter sensitive information, such as login credentials or financial details, into these counterfeit sites, which are then harvested by attackers.
  • Phishing email: Phishing emails are the most usual form of phishing, involving fraudulent emails designed to deceive recipients into clicking on malicious links, downloading malicious attachments, or disclosing sensitive information. These emails often masquerade as legitimate entities, such as banks, government agencies, or reputable companies, and employ social engineering tactics to manipulate recipients into acting.
  • Vishing: Vishing, or voice phishing, refers to phishing scams conducted over phone calls or video conferencing platforms. Attackers use social engineering techniques to impersonate trusted individuals or organisations and persuade victims to divulge sensitive information, such as account credentials or financial details, over the phone or during video calls. In recent vishing attacks, respeecher/deepfake applications have been used to impersonate a legitimate individual’s voice!
  • SMS phishing: Also known as smishing, SMS phishing involves the use of fraudulent text messages containing malicious links or requests for sensitive information. These messages often appear to be from legitimate sources, such as financial institutions or service providers, and prompt recipients to click on links or respond with personal information. During the Covid-19 pandemic, we saw SMS phishing campaigns that preyed on people’s worries about the pandemic and vulnerabilities concerning friends and family.
  • Company impersonation: Company impersonation attacks involve cybercriminals masquerading as trusted entities, such as colleagues, executives, or external partners, to deceive employees into disclosing confidential information or performing unauthorised actions. These attacks can be particularly effective in organisations with a hierarchical structure or a culture of trust and collaboration.
  • Angler phishing: Angler phishing exploits popular online platforms or events, such as social media trends, news stories, or celebrity events, to lure victims into clicking on malicious links or downloading malware-infected content. By capitalising on current events or cultural phenomena, attackers increase the likelihood of their phishing attempts succeeding. Angler phishing is often used to trick concertgoers around the release of popular event tickets.
  • Whaling phishing: Whaling phishing targets high-profile individuals or executives within an organisation, often with the aim of obtaining sensitive information or gaining access to privileged accounts. These attacks typically involve sophisticated social engineering tactics and may exploit the hierarchical structure of organisations to bypass security measures. Whaling phishing could also be conducted as a smaller part of a larger espionage/reputation damaging operation.
  • Clone phishing: Clone phishing involves creating counterfeit websites or emails that closely resemble legitimate ones to deceive users into divulging sensitive information or performing unauthorised actions. Attackers may clone websites of banks, e-commerce platforms, or social media networks and send phishing emails containing links to these counterfeit sites, tricking users into entering their credentials or financial details.
  • QR phishing: QR phishing leverages Quick Response (QR) codes to direct users to malicious websites or applications. Attackers may distribute QR codes via email, social media, or physical products, enticing users to scan them with their smartphones. Once scanned, these QR codes redirect users to fraudulent websites designed to steal sensitive information or distribute malware. QR phishing exploded during and post-pandemic as social interactions moved towards contactless transactions, especially in retail and food.

By understanding the various forms of phishing and the tactics employed by cybercriminals, individuals and organisations can better identify and mitigate the risks posed by these insidious threats.

How can individuals prevent phishing attacks?

Individuals play a crucial role in mitigating the risk of phishing attacks. By adopting proactive habits and staying vigilant, they can fortify their defences against potential threats:

  • Think before you click: Exercise caution and critical thinking when encountering emails, messages, or links, especially those that prompt immediate action or induce a sense of urgency. Take a moment to assess the sender's credibility, scrutinise the content for inconsistencies or red flags, and consider whether the request aligns with what you expected to receive.
  • Be wary of links: Hover over hyperlinks in emails or messages to preview the URL before clicking. Pay attention to discrepancies between the displayed link and the destination URL, such as misspellings, unfamiliar domains, or suspicious redirects. When in doubt, refrain from clicking on links.
  • Check for typos: Phishing emails often contain spelling, grammatical errors, or awkward phrasing that may indicate a lack of authenticity. Be on the lookout for unusual language or formatting inconsistencies, as these can serve as telltale signs of fraudulent communications.
  • Strengthen passwords and enable MFA/2FA security: Utilise strong, unique passwords for each online account and avoid using easily guessable or commonly used passwords. Consider using a reputable password manager to securely store and generate complex passwords. Additionally, enable multi-factor authentication (MFA) whenever possible to add an extra layer of security and protect against unauthorised access to accounts.
  • Regularly patch and update: Keep software applications, operating systems, and security solutions up to date by installing patches and updates promptly. Vulnerabilities in outdated software can be exploited by cybercriminals to launch phishing attacks or deliver malware, underscoring the importance of maintaining a proactive approach to software maintenance and security hygiene.
  • Exercise caution with attachments: Be wary of email attachments, especially those from unfamiliar or unexpected sources. Avoid opening attachments or downloading files from suspicious emails, as they may contain malware or malicious scripts designed to compromise your device or steal sensitive information.
  • Report phishing attempts or suspicious activity: Promptly report any phishing attempts, suspicious emails, or unusual activity to your organisation's IT department or security team. By promptly notifying relevant authorities, you can help prevent further spread of phishing attacks, mitigate potential risks, and facilitate timely incident response efforts.

By adopting these proactive measures and cultivating a security-conscious mindset, individuals can significantly reduce their susceptibility to phishing attacks and safeguard their personal information, online accounts, and digital assets from exploitation by cybercriminals.

How can organisations prevent phishing attacks?

While individual vigilance is crucial, organisations must also implement robust security measures to safeguard against phishing threats:

  • Comprehensive training and awareness programs: Invest in robust cyber security training and awareness initiatives to educate employees about phishing threats, warning signs, and best practices for identifying and responding to suspicious emails or messages. Provide regular training sessions, workshops, and simulated phishing exercises to reinforce security awareness and cultivate a culture of vigilance among employees at all levels and departments of the organisation.
  • Company-wide spam filters: Deploy advanced email security solutions equipped with spam filters, content filtering, and threat detection capabilities to automatically detect and block phishing attempts before they reach employees' inboxes. Configure spam filters to analyse incoming emails for known phishing indicators, such as suspicious sender domains, malicious attachments, or phishing URLs, and quarantine or redirect potentially harmful messages to a designated quarantine folder for further review.
  • Strict password creation and security protocols: Enforce stringent password creation guidelines and security protocols to enhance authentication security and reduce the risk of unauthorised access to sensitive systems or data. Implement password complexity requirements, such as minimum length, alphanumeric characters, and special symbols, and encourage employees to use passphrase-based passwords or passphrases composed of random words or phrases for increased resilience against brute-force attacks.
  • Mandated patches and updates: Establish policies and procedures for timely software updates, security patches, and firmware upgrades to address known vulnerabilities and mitigate the risk of exploitation by cybercriminals.
  • Employee reporting and incident response protocols: Encourage employees to report any suspicious emails, phishing attempts, or security incidents to the organisation's IT department or security team through designated reporting channels. Establish clear incident response protocols and escalation procedures to facilitate timely identification, investigation, and remediation of phishing attacks or security breaches. Provide employees with guidance on how to recognise and report phishing attempts effectively, including instructions for preserving evidence and documenting relevant details.
  • Security awareness training for executives and high-value targets: Offer specialised security awareness training programs tailored to executives, senior management, and high-value targets within the organisation to raise awareness of targeted phishing attacks, such as whaling or executive impersonation scams. Educate executives and decision-makers about the importance of security hygiene, the risks associated with social engineering tactics, and best practices for protecting sensitive information and organisational assets from sophisticated phishing threats.

By implementing a multifaceted approach that combines user education, technological defences, policy enforcement, and proactive monitoring, organisations can significantly enhance their resilience against phishing attacks and minimise the risk of data breaches, financial losses, and reputational damage. Building a strong security posture requires ongoing investment, collaboration, and commitment from all stakeholders to protect against the threat landscape.

The role of training and awareness in preventing phishing

Cyber security training and awareness play a pivotal role in preventing phishing attacks by empowering individuals with the knowledge, skills, and awareness necessary to recognise, mitigate, and respond effectively to phishing threats.

  • Education on phishing threats: Cyber security training programs provide comprehensive education on the various forms of phishing attacks, including common tactics, techniques, and indicators used by cybercriminals to deceive individuals and organisations. By familiarising employees with the characteristics and red flags of phishing emails, messages, and scams, training initiatives enable them to develop a heightened awareness of potential threats and adopt a proactive approach to security.
  • Recognition of phishing indicators: Effective cyber security training equips employees with the ability to identify phishing indicators and discern between legitimate communications and fraudulent attempts. Training modules may cover topics such as suspicious sender domains, unfamiliar or unexpected requests, grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, urgent or coercive language, and unsolicited attachments or links. By educating employees on these warning signs, organisations empower them to exercise caution and scepticism when encountering potentially malicious content.
  • Simulation exercises: Cyber security awareness programs often incorporate simulated phishing exercises or phishing awareness campaigns to provide employees with hands-on experience and real-world scenarios. These exercises simulate phishing attacks using controlled methods and harmless simulations to gauge employees' susceptibility to phishing threats and reinforce best practices for detecting and reporting suspicious emails. By exposing employees to simulated phishing scenarios in a safe and controlled environment, organisations can assess their awareness levels, identify areas for improvement, and tailor training initiatives accordingly.
  • Reporting and incident response procedures: Cyber security training programs educate employees on the importance of reporting phishing attempts, suspicious emails, or security incidents promptly to the appropriate authorities within the organisation, including instructions for using designated reporting channels, preserving evidence, and documenting relevant details.
  • Continuous reinforcement and awareness campaigns: Cyber security awareness is an ongoing process that requires continuous reinforcement through targeted awareness campaigns, communication channels, and educational resources. Organisations can leverage various mediums, such as posters, eLearning, newsletters, games, and digital infographics, to disseminate security awareness messages, tips, and updates to employees. By reinforcing key security concepts and promoting a culture of vigilance and accountability, organisations can sustainably enhance their resilience against phishing attacks and cultivate a security-conscious workforce.

Cyber security training and awareness play a critical role in preventing phishing attacks by educating individuals on the nature of phishing threats, empowering them with the skills to recognise and mitigate phishing attempts, promoting secure behaviours, and reporting practices, and fostering a culture of security awareness and vigilance.


Safeguarding your organisation from phishing attacks requires a concerted effort involving both technological defences and comprehensive cyber security training and awareness programs.

By empowering individuals with the knowledge and resources to identify and thwart phishing threats, organisations can fortify their defences and minimise the risk of falling victim to these malicious schemes.

Working with the right partner

Partnering with a trusted cyber security training and awareness company, such as The Security Company Ltd. (TSC), is crucial. With 25 years of experience, TSC specialises in enhancing security behaviours, fostering a robust security culture, and raising awareness of threats and risks across global organisations.

The dynamic nature of cyber threats necessitates a comprehensive and adaptive cyber security strategy for UK law firms. By understanding the evolving threat landscape and investing in robust training and awareness initiatives, decision-makers can fortify their organisations against potential risks and cyberattacks.

At The Security Company, we specialise in boosting cyber awareness, targeted training, customised projects and role-based solutions. Through our tailored subscription services, targeted and customised eLearning and awareness materials and our behavioural assessments, we're committed to helping organisations like yours instil long-term, security-conscious behaviours.

Our method is distinct. We begin by diving deep into your team's current mindset, pinpointing lax behaviours, security gaps and departments in need of focus and attention. From there, we craft tailored solutions that encourage better cyber practices from your employees. With comprehensive training and seamless integration into your current systems, we're here to fortify your team against modern cyber threats and be your trusted cyber security and awareness partner.

Ready to take the next step?

We can help you to formulate an effective and comprehensive cyber security training and awareness program for your organisation year-round and be your dedicated partner for employee behaviour change and, ultimately, security culture change.

Do not hesitate to contact us for further information.

Written by
Nas Ali
Cyber security and awareness content creator focused on emerging threats and the next wave of cyber security risks like AI, deepfakes and tech 4.0 initiatives in order to build towards a more secure organisational culture.
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