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  • 04 July 2024
  • 4 min read

TSC: Understanding your cyber pain points to empower your employees

TSC works to understand your pain points and your security gaps in order to produce and deploy targeted and personalised awareness and training solutions, maximising ROI and employee development.
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As cyber security leaders, HR professionals, and individuals responsible for employee development, the pressure to safeguard sensitive information and mitigate risks is immense – especially with the ever-increasing number of legal and financial pitfalls.

The Security Company aka TSC, established in 1997, has been at the forefront of empowering employees and fostering a culture of security awareness.

Our mission is to transform cyber security behaviour through bespoke and off-the-shelf solutions that deliver measurable results and protect organisations from human error.

Understanding your pain points

CISOs, HR leaders, and employee development managers face numerous challenges in creating and maintaining a robust security posture. These include achieving measurable KPIs, engaging employees in continuous learning, reducing stress levels associated with cyber threats, and ensuring compliance with ever-changing regulations.

TSC understands these pain points and is uniquely positioned to address them through our comprehensive cyber security training and behavioural change programs.

Proven track record of success

For over 25 years, TSC has been a trusted provider of cyber security training for governments and enterprises across the globe. Our programs have reached tens of thousands of employees in hundreds of organisations, contributing significantly to the prevention of security breaches and the transformation of security postures. We offer:

  • Measurable results and KPIs: We know that board engagement and budget renewals hinge on quality data and clear indicators of behavioural change. Our eLearning courses and surveys, combined with ongoing collaboration with our CPMs, ensure that you stay informed, educated, and stress-free during awareness campaigns.
  • Employee protection: Our tailored training solutions are designed to reduce the human risk factor. By decreasing employee stress levels and cyber risk, we fortify your organisation’s security while maintaining a duty of care for your workforce.
  • Increased learning and development: Continuous, customised support ensures that your team remains vigilant against emerging threats. Our services are tailored to meet specific security gaps, ensuring that every department and role within your organisation is well-prepared.

Why TSC stands out

At TSC, we differentiate ourselves by understanding the unique goals, pain points, and desired outcomes of CISOs, HR leaders, and employee development managers. Our approach includes:

  • Customisation and personalisation: Whether it’s threat awareness, data protection, or incident response, our expert team provides tailored solutions that address specific needs and gaps in your organisation’s security.
  • Engaging and innovative training methods: We utilise a blend of cyber awareness campaigns, online training, behavioural assessments, employee development programs, games, and behaviour change strategies to create a robust security culture. Our CPMs work with clients to assess and determine the most effective communication channels in order to maximise your ROI.
  • Expertise in the numerous sectors: Our cyber security threat and risk experts stay abreast of regulations specific to a variety of sectors, ensuring compliance and addressing gaps in employee behaviour through innovative materials and eLearning courses that address regulatory changes, legal guidance and emerging threats.

Empowering your workforce

By partnering with TSC, you can expect a comprehensive approach to cyber security that not only protects your organisation but also empowers your employees. Our programs are designed to:

  • Engage and empower employees: We create training programs that appeal to and empower employees, ensuring they are proactive in protecting sensitive information.
  • Deliver tangible and measurable results: Our focus on KPIs and measurable outcomes ensures that you can demonstrate the value of your investment in cyber security training to stakeholders. Through surveys and employee assessments you can keep track of employee development levels.
  • Reduce stress for cyber security leaders: With TSC, you have a trusted partner who understands your challenges and provides solutions that reduce stress and enhance your organisation’s security posture.

Join our success story

Our satisfied clients, ranging from government agencies to multinational corporations, attest to the effectiveness of our programs. By partnering with TSC, you join a network of organisations that prioritise security and employee well-being.

Explore our case studies to see how we’ve helped other organisations achieve their cyber security goals.

Let’s discuss your needs

TSC is not just a training provider; we are your partner in building a resilient security culture.

By addressing your specific needs and delivering measurable results, we ensure that your employees keep organisation and your valuable data secure and safe.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve your cyber security and awareness goals.

Written by
Nas Ali
Cyber security and awareness content creator focused on emerging threats and the next wave of cyber security risks like AI, deepfakes and tech 4.0 initiatives in order to build towards a more secure organisational culture.
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