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  • 10 June 2024
  • 4 min read

Maximise ROI through TSC's tailored cyber security awareness

A closer look at how TSC helped MIB and Reach to achieve their cyber security gaols and risks.
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When navigating the cyber security landscape, it can be extremely beneficial to have a dedicated team of cyber security and awareness experts in your corner, backing you up. At The Security Company, with over 25 years of experience, we’ve honed our expertise in delivering security awareness programs and behaviour change campaigns that genuinely make a difference.

Our mission is to help organisations around the globe enhance their cyber security defences and build a culture of security awareness among employees.

A look at two TSC case studies

We are excited to share two compelling case studies that demonstrate the tangible results of our tailored solutions. These case studies highlight how our innovative approaches have transformed the cyber security practices of prominent organisations and underscore the value of partnering with TSC.

Case Study 1: REACH PLC – Engaging and effective cyber security training

  • Challenge:

REACH PLC, a fast-moving environment, presented a unique challenge. The goal was to deliver clear, concise, and targeted cyber security training and awareness material that would engage employees across the organisation.

  • Solution:

We tailored our approach to match the internal learning styles and preferences of REACH PLC employees. By utilising a variety of communication channels, we ensured that our training material was not only engaging but also effective.

  • Engaging content:

Understanding that employees preferred video content, we created animated graphics that were both engaging and informative. This visual approach helped simplify complex security concepts and made learning enjoyable.

  • Microlearning courses:

Recognising the time constraints of busy employees, we developed microlearning courses. These bite-sized, easily digestible modules allowed employees to learn at their own pace, without feeling overwhelmed.

  • Gamified learning:

To tap into the competitive spirit of the workforce, we introduced gamified learning with a scoreboard. This fostered healthy peer competition and drove behavioural improvement, as employees strived to top the leaderboard.

  • Results:

Our tailored solutions led to a significant increase in engagement and awareness across REACH PLC. Employees were more knowledgeable about cyber security best practices and demonstrated improved behaviours, contributing to a stronger security posture for the organisation.

Case Study 2: Motor Insurers Bureau (MIB) – Tailored Solutions for Enhanced Data Protection

  • Challenge:

The MIB faced the challenge of increasing data protection levels across various departments, each with unique needs and responsibilities. Our task was to tailor our services to meet these diverse requirements.

  • Solution:

We leveraged our expertise to deliver targeted videos and webinars that addressed specific security concerns and responsibilities within each department.

  • Role-based training:

We customized our content to cater to the diverse needs of roles such as HR, Claims, Finance, and Customer Services. This ensured that the training was relevant and effective for every department, making it easier for employees to relate to and apply the information.

  • Post-Campaign Survey:

To measure the impact of our training, we conducted a comprehensive post-campaign survey. The results revealed significant improvements in security levels and behaviours across all departments, showcasing the effectiveness of our tailored approach.

  • Results:

Our collaboration with MIB resulted in enhanced data protection levels and improved security practices across the organisation. Employees were more vigilant and better equipped to handle security threats, ensuring that sensitive data remained protected.

Why Partner with TSC?

These case studies illustrate the profound impact of TSC’s tailored solutions on our clients' cyber security practices. But what makes us the ideal partner for your organisation?

  1. Proven track Record: With over two decades of experience, we have a proven track record of delivering successful security awareness programs and behaviour change campaigns.
  2. Tailored solutions: We understand that every organisation is unique. Our approach is customised to meet your specific needs, ensuring that our solutions are both relevant and effective.
  3. Engaging training methods: From engaging video content and microlearning courses to gamified learning and role-based training, we use innovative methods to keep employees engaged and motivated.
  4. Measurable Results: We believe in the importance of measuring the impact of our training. Our comprehensive surveys and assessments help us gauge the effectiveness of our programs and make data-driven improvements.

Take the next step

Investing in cyber security awareness and training is not just about compliance; it’s about building a resilient organisation that can withstand the ever-evolving threat landscape. The success stories of REACH PLC and MIB are testaments to the transformative power of TSC’s tailored solutions.

We invite you to book a call with us to discuss how we can help your organisation achieve similar results. A demonstration of our solutions in action will provide further insight into how TSC can support your cyber security objectives.

Contact us today to schedule your demo and take the first step towards enhanced cyber security awareness and protection.

Written by
Nas Ali
Cyber security and awareness content creator focused on emerging threats and the next wave of cyber security risks like AI, deepfakes and tech 4.0 initiatives in order to build towards a more secure organisational culture.
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