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  • 17 April 2024
  • 4 min read

How does artificial intelligence help in cyber threat and risk detection?

The benefits of A.I. in cyber security and what the cyber threats and risks that are overlooked by A.I. solutions. Everything you need to know.

Every year cyber criminals and threat actor groups find a new way attack vector, a new vulnerable surface, a new line of attack. Executives responsible for data protection, information security, and security awareness are increasingly turning to advanced technologies to bolster their defences. Among these technologies, Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) stands out as a powerful tool in the arsenal against cyber threats.

However, while A.I. offers numerous benefits in cyber security, it is crucial to recognise its limitations and the importance of cyber security awareness and training in complementing A.I. defences.

The Benefits of A.I. in Cyber Security

  • Faster Threat Detection: A.I. algorithms can analyse vast amounts of data in real-time, enabling organisations to detect threats swiftly and proactively.
  • Faster Incident Response Time: By automating threat detection and response processes, A.I. reduces the time between detecting a threat and initiating a response, minimising potential damage from both the cyber breach and legal/regulatory bodies.
  • Automated Phishing Detection: A.I. systems can recognise patterns indicative of phishing attempts, helping organisations thwart email-based attacks more effectively.
  • Improved Accuracy: A.I. technologies continuously learn and adapt, leading to increasingly accurate threat detection and mitigation capabilities over time.
  • Improved Efficiency: With A.I. handling routine tasks, security teams can focus their efforts on more complex and strategic aspects of cyber defence such as employee behaviours, security gaps and security awareness.
  • Offers Greater Scalability: Some A.I. solutions can scale seamlessly to accommodate growing data volumes and evolving threat landscapes without compromising performance.
  • Cost-Effective Solution: While initial investment may be significant, A.I. can reduce operational costs by automating labour-intensive tasks and minimising the impact of cyber incidents.
  • Potentially Remove Human Error: A.I. systems are not prone to human errors or fatigue, ensuring consistent performance in threat detection and response, that may otherwise trick an employee.

What A.I. Lacks in Relation to Cyber Threats and Risks

  • Continuous Updating Requirements: A.I. solutions require regular updates and maintenance to remain effective, demanding significant resources and expertise that organisations may struggle to provide due to a lack of budget, focus or executive buy-in.
  • Potential for Bias: A.I. systems trained on biased data may produce biased results, exacerbating existing disparities and introducing unintended consequences.
  • Discriminatory Outcomes: Poorly designed A.I. algorithms could inadvertently discriminate against certain groups or individuals, leading to ethical and legal concerns.
  • Lack of Human Oversight: Overreliance on A.I. without human oversight can result in unforeseen circumstances and vulnerabilities that adversaries may exploit. If an organisation employs A.I. solutions but does not monitor it regularly or audit consistently, they may be creating more cyber issues than they realise.
  • Lax Behaviours in Employees: Relying solely on A.I. defences may foster complacency among employees, leading to a false sense of security and increased susceptibility to social engineering attacks.

Working with TSC: How Cyber Security Awareness and Training Minimise Threats and Risks

While A.I. plays a crucial role in bolstering cyber defences, it is not a silver bullet.

To effectively combat cyber threats, organisations must complement A.I. technologies with comprehensive cyber security awareness and training programs. Through Training, Knowledge Development, and Behavioural Change (TSC), organisations can:

  • Empower Employees: Educate employees about common and emerging cyber threats, phishing techniques, advanced technologies, and best practices for safeguarding sensitive information.
  • Promote Vigilance: Encourage employees to remain vigilant and report suspicious activities promptly, ensuring early detection and mitigation of potential threats. You can create cyber security champions and advocates, which leads to …
  • Foster a Culture of Security: Cultivate a culture where cyber security is everyone's responsibility, from the boardroom to the breakroom, fostering a collective defence against cyber threats.
  • Mitigate Human Error: Provide regular training and simulations to equip employees with the skills and knowledge needed to identify and respond to cyber threats effectively, reducing the risk of human error.


Remember, A.I. is not without its limitations. Whilst organisations must recognise the importance of A.I., cyber security awareness and training is just as if not more paramount to keeping your employees educated and safe.

By adopting a holistic approach that combines A.I. technologies with comprehensive training and awareness initiatives, organisations can strengthen their cyber resilience against common risks and safeguard against emerging threats.

Written by
Nas Ali
Cyber security and awareness content creator focused on emerging threats and the next wave of cyber security risks like AI, deepfakes and tech 4.0 initiatives in order to build towards a more secure organisational culture.
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