The Health & Social Care industry handles and processes confidential data every single day. Cyberattacks can have devastating consequences, including the theft of classified information, disruption of critical systems, and threats to civilian health, safety and privacy. Investing in cyber security awareness and training is crucial to:
In Health & Social Care, security is not merely a consideration—it's the foundation upon which our nation's safety sits. At TSC, we offer the expertise and solutions you need to fortify your digital ramparts and be your unwavering partner in achieving cyber security excellence.
Don't wait for threats to escalate.
Invest in cybersecurity today, and together, we'll ensure the future of health & social care remains resolute and impenetrable.
As part of the requirement on all organisations that handle health and care data to undertake an annual self-assessment using the Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT), we have a range of resources to support you.
Explore our suite of resources and multi-bundle discounts below.
© The Security Company (International) Limited 2025
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Company registration No: 3703393
VAT No: 385 8337 51