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  • 13 June 2023
  • 4 min read

What is cyber security awareness to employees?

This article aims to provide a guide to cyber security awareness for employees, emphasising its significance, key elements, and practical tips to enhance employee engagement and protect sensitive information.
FAQ What is cyber security awareness to employees

Cyber security is a critical concern for individuals and organisations alike. While robust security measures are crucial, ensuring that employees are aware of cyber security threats and their role in preventing them is equally important.

This article aims to provide a guide to cyber security awareness for employees, emphasising its significance, key elements, and practical tips to enhance employee engagement and protect sensitive information.

What is cyber security awareness?

  1. Education and training: Providing comprehensive training programs and resources to educate employees about various cyber security threats, including phishing, malware, social engineering, and password security, is essential. Regular updates on emerging threats and best practices should be part of these initiatives.
  2. Policies and procedures: Establishing clear cyber security policies and procedures ensures that employees understand their responsibilities and the expected code of conduct when handling sensitive information. This includes guidelines for creating strong passwords, reporting incidents, and using company-approved software and tools.
  3. Communication and engagement: Promoting open communication channels and fostering a culture of cyber security awareness encourages employees to report suspicious activities or potential security breaches promptly. Regular reminders, newsletters, and interactive sessions help reinforce knowledge and keep security top of mind.
  4. Incident response and recovery: Employees should be aware of the organisation's incident response plan, including steps to be taken in the event of a cyber security incident. Regular drills and simulations can familiarise employees with the process, ensuring a prompt and effective response to minimise potential damage.

Importance of cyber security awareness

Cyber security awareness is the foundation of a strong defence against the increasing cyber threats faced by organisations. Employees are often the weakest link in the security chain, inadvertently exposing their companies to risks through human error or lack of awareness.

By educating employees about potential threats, safe online practices, and the importance of data protection, organisations can significantly reduce the likelihood of successful cyber attacks and minimise potential damage.

5 Top tips for enhancing your cyber security awareness levels

  1. Comprehensive onboarding and induction: Integrate cyber security awareness training into the onboarding process for new employees, emphasising the importance of security from day one.
  2. Ongoing training and refreshers: Offer regular training sessions and refresher courses to keep employees up to date with the latest threats, trends, and security measures. Encourage employees to pursue additional certifications or training opportunities to enhance their cyber security skills.
  3. Strong password practices: Educate employees about creating strong, unique passwords and implementing two-factor authentication whenever possible. Emphasise the importance of not sharing passwords or using easily guessable information.
  4. Phishing awareness: Train employees to recognise common phishing techniques and how to avoid falling victim to them. Encourage scepticism and caution when receiving unsolicited emails or messages, especially those requesting personal or sensitive information.
  5. Regular security assessments: Conduct regular security assessments, including simulated phishing attacks and vulnerability scans, to evaluate employees' understanding of cyber security practices. Provide feedback and additional training where needed.


Cyber security awareness is a vital component of an organisation's overall defence against cyber threats. By investing in comprehensive training programs, effective communication, and continuous reinforcement, organisations can empower their employees to become proactive defenders of sensitive information. 

With a culture of cyber security awareness, organisations significantly reduce the risk of successful cyber attacks, protect their data assets, and safeguard their reputation in the digital realm.

If you would like more informationabout how The Security Company can deliver engaging and effective cyber security training and awareness materials for organisations of all sizes or how we have helped transform security cultures for over 25 years ... please contact our Head of Business Development and Sales,  Jenny Mandley.

The Security Company's vast library of customised and non-customised products and services are tailored for small, medium and large organisations and are available in a variety of languages. We also offer bespoke solutions for organisations that desire training and awareness materials built from the ground up.

Written by
Nas Ali
Cyber security and awareness content creator focused on emerging threats and the next wave of cyber security risks like AI, deepfakes and tech 4.0 initiatives in order to build towards a more secure organisational culture.
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