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  • 10 June 2024
  • 4 min read

The value of ongoing support for your cyber security posture

Learn how TSC supports its clients from initial implementation through to delivery and beyond - we are the opposite of one-and-done!
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Maintaining robust defences requires more than just a one-time effort. It demands a commitment to ongoing vigilance, continuous learning, and adaptable strategies.

At The Security Company (TSC), with over 25 years of experience in delivering security awareness programs and behaviour change campaigns, we understand this necessity deeply.

Our approach to cyber security training is not just about immediate results; it's about fostering a long-term partnership that ensures sustained security and resilience.

The journey of cyber security: from initial implementation to ongoing support

Implementing effective cyber security measures is a journey, not a destination. It involves constant adaptation and improvement. Recognising this, TSC is committed to providing comprehensive support throughout every stage of our collaboration with clients, from concept development to design and delivery.

When you partner with TSC, you're not just getting a service provider; you're gaining a dedicated ally in your cyber security efforts.

Here’s how our ongoing support and collaborative approach can make a significant difference for your organisation.

  • Personalised project management: Every successful partnership starts with clear communication and a shared vision. At TSC, we assign a dedicated project manager to each client. These seasoned professionals have extensive experience in cyber security training and awareness programs across various industries, countries, and languages. They serve as your primary point of contact, ensuring that we fully understand your organisation’s unique needs, security gaps, and goals. Our project managers work closely with you to develop a tailored strategy that aligns with your objectives. They guide you through every step of the process, providing expert advice and support to ensure the success of your cyber security initiatives.
  • Collaborative design and development: Our in-house team of designers, content writers, and eLearning developers collaborates seamlessly with your project manager to bring your vision to life. Whether you need custom eLearning modules, engaging infographics, or interactive games, our team tailors each product to meet your specific requirements. We believe that effective cyber security training must be both informative and engaging. By leveraging our expertise in creating visually appealing and interactive content, we ensure that your employees remain engaged and retain critical security knowledge.
  • Tailored solutions for unique needs: No two organisations are the same, and neither are their security challenges. TSC prides itself on delivering tailored solutions that address your specific needs and objectives. Our approach is flexible and adaptive, ensuring that our solutions remain relevant and effective as your organisation grows and evolves.
  • Continuous improvement for sustained success: Cyber security is an ongoing process, and we are committed to continuous improvement. Our support doesn’t end with the delivery of training materials. We work with you to refine and enhance your cyber security training and awareness programs over time. By regularly assessing the effectiveness of our programs and incorporating feedback, we ensure that your organisation stays ahead of emerging threats and maintains a strong security posture.

Real-world success stories: proven results with TSC

Our commitment to providing ongoing support and tailored solutions is best illustrated through the success stories of our clients. Here are two case studies that highlight the tangible impact of our approach.

  1. REACH PLC: Engaging and Effective Cyber Security Training: REACH PLC needed to deliver clear, concise, and targeted cyber security training in a fast-moving environment. We created animated graphics and video content to simplify complex security concepts. We developed bite-sized modules for easy, on-the-go learning. We introduced a competitive element with a scoreboard to motivate employees. Our tailored solutions led to increased engagement and improved security behaviours across REACH PLC, significantly strengthening their overall security posture.
  2. Motor Insurers Bureau (MIB): Tailored Solutions for Enhanced Data Protection: MIB needed to improve data protection across various departments with unique needs. We customised content for different roles, ensuring relevance and effectiveness. We conducted surveys to measure the impact of our training and identify areas for improvement. Our collaboration resulted in enhanced data protection and improved security practices across MIB, demonstrating the effectiveness of our tailored approach.

Partner with TSC for long-term cyber security success

Investing in cyber security awareness and training is about more than just meeting compliance requirements; it’s about building a resilient organisation capable of withstanding evolving threats. The success stories of REACH PLC and MIB highlight the transformative power of TSC’s tailored solutions and ongoing support.

We invite you to book a call with us to discuss how we can help your organisation achieve similar results. A demonstration of our solutions will provide further insight into how TSC can support your cyber security objectives and help you achieve long-term success.

Contact us today to schedule your demo and take the first step towards a secure and resilient future.

Written by
Nas Ali
Cyber security and awareness content creator focused on emerging threats and the next wave of cyber security risks like AI, deepfakes and tech 4.0 initiatives in order to build towards a more secure organisational culture.
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