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  • 04 October 2021
  • 3 min read

Cyber Security Awareness Month: Make this year count

Cyber Security Awareness Month 2021 is here. And it's time to seize the opportunity. As technology continues to advance, the line separating our online lives...

Cyber Security Awareness Month 2021 is here. And it's time to seize the opportunity.

Young boy wearing oversized glasses counting money into a piggy bank, ready for Cyber Security Awareness Month 2021.

As technology continues to advance, the line separating our online lives from our offline, (real) ones becomes more blurred.

This has had tremendous positive impacts on our day-to-day lives in so many ways. For example, making things faster, cheaper, and more efficient.

However, it’s not all good…

Our reliance on technology has opened us up to a world of potential threats, from phishing attacks to password hacks. And if we don’t understand how to protect ourselves, there are plenty of opportunistic cybercriminals out there waiting to take advantage.

Enter Cyber Security Awareness Month 2021…

Each October, the European Union runs Cyber Security Awareness Month dedicated to promoting cybersecurity among citizens and organisations.

Throughout the month, thousands of organisations run various activities including conferences, workshops, trainings, webinars, presentations and more, all to promote digital security and cyber hygiene.

Every year has a different theme, the objective is to address specific challenges and identify opportunities for behavioural change.

For this year’s Cyber Security Awareness month, we created a range of educational and communication content for our clients. Naturally, these are based on our extensive research and experience.

For each of the four weeks, we focus on a specific topic:

Week 1: Evolution of threats
Help employees get ahead of threats

Week 2: Passwords
Highlight the risks of weak passwords and show good password practices

Week 3: Business Email Compromise (BEC)
Introduce employees to BEC, educate them on the risks and how to spot a BEC attack

Week 4: Ransomware
Introduce this attack method and educate employees on how to spot and defend against it

Each week’s topic is created so that you can integrate it into your organisations existing cybersecurity awareness programme.

Make Cyber Security Awareness Month count in 2021

Whether you choose to use our Cyber Security Awareness Month 2021 materials or not, it's a great opportunity to take stock of where your organisation is on the cybersecurity maturity curve and address the areas you feel are lacking.

Cybersecurity is for life, not just October

And it’s important to remember that although we are paying special attention to cybersecurity in the month of October, cybersecurity is not something to review but once a year.

It is a year-round priority. Continually engaging your employees with easy to understand, flexible, and compelling awareness training materials means that when that funny looking email comes in, they know what not to do (click that pesky link), but more importantly, they know what to do, (report the email via the correct process).

If you haven’t already started the ball rolling with cybersecurity awareness training, why not make this October count. Use Cybersecurity Awareness Month as a catalyst to start your organisation’s cybersecurity awareness journey.

We’d love to know how you plan on making the most of Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Tell us your plans and how things went!

See how we can help you protect your organisation today?

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